One Doctor's Journey

Dr. Bonner's Journey to Becoming A Functional Medicine Practitioner

An Anesthesiologist’s Journey to Functional Medicine

In 2007 my foundation of medical knowledge was shaken:  I was diagnosed with a chronic medical condition that was not well addressed within the acute care model practiced in the United States.  Dissatisfied with the potential side effects of the treatment prescribed by my endocrinologist, I looked to alternative therapies.

So why was this foray outside of the medical establishment such a big deal to me? Well, for more than a decade prior to my diagnosis I had been part of this same medical establishment as a surgical and obstetrical anesthesiologist caring for many thousands of patients in my Jackson Metro area private practice.

My Foray as a Patient into the Medical Establishment

In 2007 I developed severe fatigue. Since a portion of my thyroid had been removed several years prior, I assumed I had thyroid issues, so I made an appointment with a local endocrinologist. Little did I know, that this single appointment would change the way I think and practice medicine today.

On receiving my test results, I was extremely surprised to learn that my thyroid function was completely normal but that my testosterone levels were very low: this seemed to explain why I was so tired – but why would my testosterone levels be so low? I was puzzled. My doctor prescribed me testosterone gel, and said to return in six months for follow-up lab tests.

As soon as I got home I fired up my computer and Googled “testosterone replacement therapy.” Wow! I was shocked to read the many serious side effects and potential dangers to testosterone gel therapy, none of which were mentioned when I was prescribed this course of treatment.  I chose not to use the testosterone gel I was prescribed.  Instead, I embarked on a period of self-education to see if there was an alternative cause, or causes, for an otherwise healthy young man to have a low testosterone level. Through research, I realized that several lifestyle issues could potentially be causing my low testosterone levels, including:

  1. poor diet nutrition,
  2. highly stressful workplace,
  3. poor sleep habits, due to being on call for work, and finally,
  4. an exercise program focused on endurance training (mountain biking).

Over the next few months I addressed each of these potential causes of my "low T" and then returned to my endocrinologist for follow-up blood work.  The result? My testosterone levels were completely normal! Remember, I DID NOT EVEN FILL THE FIRST TESTOSTERONE GEL PRESCRIPTION.

This one incident in my life completely changed the way I think of medicine. After this experience, I became driven to learn and become educated in functional medicine and preventive healthcare.

Functional Medicine: A Deeper Education

The aforementioned incident sparked a period of intensive study. I delved deeper into my education through the American Society of Anti-aging Medicine and became board-certified. Even then I realized that I still had a great deal to learn about this type of medicine so I then embarked on a further four years of advanced study to become fellowship-trained.

Today’s Doctor: Complete, Holistic, Preventative Care

I still enjoy my anesthesia practice, and for the past several years I having been using my in depth Functional Medicine knowledge to provide advice for lifestyle-related chronic medical problems for myself, family members, and close friends. Now the time has come to focus more fully on my primary care goal as a functional medicine physician and to serve the greater public good by providing education and knowledge to empower people to take control of their own health.

As your functional medicine physician, I take seriously my duty to stay up-to-date with cutting-edge medical advances, and to bring those to you. All of this with the continued goal of establishing the root causes of my patients’ chronic conditions and working for the prevention of potential future medical problems. This approach will help relieve chronic conditions, enhance longevity, and provide a richer, more productive daily life.

Talk to Dr. Bonner

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